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Friday 7 June 2024

Transition of Mooji: Everything that One Needs to Know!


Mooji was originally from Jamaica as a result of his Father's death he moved to his mother's home in England at the age of 16.He adapted to England amicably as his church community helped him out very well. When he was in his middle age when he met Michael a Christian from church he unlatched Mooji’s spiritual eyes after he encountered a Christian mystic; he started to embrace everything little thing he had, he was able to be grateful and joyful for whatever he had for the day it genuinely became natural and fortunate to him.

Then he went into teaching when one of the professors got inspired by the ideas of his artistic knowledge in glass making. He was a teacher in college till the recommender retired as the job got more administrative. He felt suffocated in that job so he quitted and moved into his sister's home; internally he was shattered but his fortunate embracement didn't let him down.. He started to follow his mind as he had no schedule to run after he got into the state of peace where he had the ability to work the day as he wished to; It was a period where he was sitting in the lap of God according to his biography 

He was searching answers for his curiosity spiritually he ran into Michael genuinely he would empty his questions to Michael thus he would be pacified by the answers he get; When he ran into one of the book shop in England he got disturbed too much with a book questioning his belief with God which was nagger to his life until he went to India to solve this curiosity nagging. When he met Papaji in India he constructed a letter which conveyed his curiosity to Papaji he was invited on stage in front of everyone his wonder was answered but was deeply disturbed with the truth then he was forced to leave India when his eldest son died he stayed in England for a bit of time until he got a letter from India to be with papaji but didn't go well too when he went to India as Papaji died within a month when he came but he was close to Papaji when he was alive which made him to follow Sri Ramakrishna’s book according to him it was the second Bible that he had

Then when he returned to England he got into marketing by selling fish; he got famous as he would give a quote of the day for every customer. If the customers converse about the quote mostly he'd invite them for coffee to make the conversation more obvious which made his development spiritually and in society; this made his growth to be a sage in this world.

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